Software Implementation Plan Of AZZLY®

View a helpful guide for implementing new electronic health record, patient management, and revenue cycle management technologies in your mental health or addiction treatment center.


AZZLY is an all-in-one system for use by your entire staff, from intake and admissions, clinical and medical, office operations through to posting payments and billing and claims processing, if that is handled by your staff. The optimal use of AZZLY depends on implementation from each department and ‘buy-in’ from all users. We recommend that you take advantage of this time to assess your current intake and admissions forms and clinical medical templates with the AZZLY Implementation Staff and make any updates prior to training.

System Configuration

Ideally, the facility’s on-staff technology employee is responsible for ensuring Internet Access, reviewing any firewalls that may block features, and staff access and secure emails are set up properly before the beginning of training. We also request that each user log into their private AZZLY account through using their user name and unique password prior to training. AZZLY Rize is role based, so verifying that your access for your role is set up properly is always the first step.

Online Training & Weekly Calls

Currently, we provide training and weekly calls via webinar using Zoom. We will send invitations to you and your staff so you can add the training to your calendar. The software allows the training staff to have online face-to-face introductions and training with your staff on the hardware that they use, whether desktops, laptops, or tablets at their desk, their home or in a group setting. This way, the AZZLY trainers can assess skillset and users’ comfort level in the system. We offer one-on-one trainings and group trainings by department to not disrupt your day to day work schedules.

Administrative Staff Training

AZZLY training begins with an overview to a company-designated Administrator or Administrative staff members. The Administrator’s responsibilities include providing a key person list of who will be approving all forms and templates used by their staff for final set up in AZZLY Rize; being the liaison between Staff and the AZZLY team to coordinate training, implementation and “go live” scheduling. The Administrator should be comfortable with general computer software use, but no programming skills are needed. In many instances, this person is a “Super User” in AZZLY, comfortable in using all aspects of the application.

Super Users: Train the trainer

The Super Users collaborate with the Administrator and other leadership to develop policies and procedures regarding the use of AZZLY (e.g. content of clinical notes; protocol for incident reporting; communication logging; access restrictions; etc.) in the organization. Super Users should be selected individuals who are familiar with departmental needs and requirements, comfortable with computers, and enjoy communicating with others. Super Users can be trained one-on-one prior to the individualized group training depending on the size of the staff. We empower the Super Users so they may be the “go to” person in their department.

Individualized Group Training

Once the account set up is completed, and all Intake/Admissions and Clinical/Medical Templates are reviewed, customized where needed and accepted, training commences for each department:

  • Intake & Admissions
  • Administration/Management/ Supervisors
  • Clinicians & Therapists
  • Support Staff: BHTs, Coaches & Mentors, Interns
  • Medical: Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, ARNPs & Nurses
  • RCM Services: UR, Billing & Claims

Individualized training focuses on department workflow within AZZLY, to proficiently carry out required daily responsibilities.

Training by department reinforces best practices established and approved workflows amongst the staff. Each user is given access to the AZZLY training team by contacting, and can always request additional training if needed. AZZLY is a tool to help accomplish not only the user’s objectives but also the mission of your organization.


Prior to ‘Going Live’ an assessment will take place to identify any gaps that have not been addressed. It is the goal of the training and implementation team to take you live as soon as training is completed. Within the first 90 days, your Implementation Specialist will monitor system usage and identify any gaps to reinforce best practice.

We are committed to addressing any need in our training until there is 100% Client Satisfaction.

Experience what 5 star training & support really looks like!

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